Haaretz: Migron case only reveals tip of Israel's occupation iceberg
We cannot ignore the fact that this happened because at issue was Palestinian land. When it comes to violating Palestinian rights, the need to be considerate of the violators turns into such an important value that we end up with the absurd situation in which a government minister forges a "compromise" with the lawbreakers on the backs of those whose rights were violated - without even thinking that the latter might have something to say about it.
But Migron is just the tip of the iceberg. It is the tip of the iceberg of outposts and settlements built on Palestinian land. It is the tip of the iceberg in terms of how the government turns a blind eye or even cooperates with the unauthorized outposts. It is a tip of the iceberg in terms of ignoring High Court rulings.
And it is the tip of the iceberg in terms of how the occupation has corrupted the Israeli regime.
Leaving behind a written threat, Israeli settlers from the illegal Migron settlement set a mosque on fire in Qusra, near Nablus in the West Bank on Sept, 5, 2011
O.a. de fundamentalistische organisatie Stichting Christenen voor Israël financiert (de uitbreiding van) nederzettingen en outposts op de bezette Westelijke Jordaanoever, en wordt door onze corrupte overheid beloond met belastingvoordeel. Het haalt per jaar ±4,5 miljoen euro op. Een kwart daarvan wordt aan salarissen besteed.
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