27 August 2011

Libië in de media: AK47-romantiek versus lijken in ontbinding


Banner op de website van Al Jazeera

Ik heb op dit weblog niets over Libië gemeld omdat ik mij doodgeërgerd heb aan de berichtgeving in de commerciële massamedia die mijns inziens een zeer simplistisch, gekleurd en geromantiseerd beeld naar voren hebben geschoven over de "revolutie" in Libië: de strijd van "de rebellen" tegen "de brute tiran" Khadaffi (aldus Barack Obama in een audio-boodschap vanaf zijn vakantieadres). Met bijna Noord-Koreaanse verve. En over het nobele Westen dat "de rebellen" ging "helpen" met bombardementen om voor hen de weg vrij te maken naar vrijheid en democratie.

Je moet na Irak toch wel gillend gek zijn om dat nog te geloven.

Onze journalisten, zelfs de correspondenten die embedded zijn bij "de opstandelingen", die wekenlang onze kranten hebben opgesierd met heroïsche plaatjes van het strijdbare Libische "volk", V-tekens makend, zwaaiend met vlaggen en Kalasjnikovs, zijn dus gillend gek. Natuurlijk niet echt, want ze doen gewoon wat hen opgedragen wordt: wat couleur locale verslaan, om de illusie van authenticiteit te suggereren, gemengd met uit andere media overgenomen propaganda. In werkelijkheid weet vrijwel niemand wat er nu precies gaande is, en met het uur worden de feiten aangepast.

Eergisteren zag ik voor het eerst beelden uit Libië in de mainstream media van oorlogsslachtoffers, een veldje met 21 lijken van wie twee de handen op de rug waren vastgebonden. De media suggereren dat ze door de "loyalisten van Khadaffi" zijn omgebracht, Amnesty International suggereert dat ze door de "rebellen" vermoord zijn. Maar maakt het iets uit? Het zijn allemaal mensen.

"Reporters in the field, more or less embedded with the rebels, cheering the rebels on"

Loyalist forces have continually vowed to keep fighting, pointing to a prolonged civil war. RT gets more analysis from author and journalist Afshin Rattansi.

Libyan rebels celebrate as they raise their flag (foreground) at the Abu Salim square in Tripoli on August 26, 2011, as the opposition forces announced the transfer of their leadership to the capital, boosted by a UN decision to free up millions of dollars in aid money and despite not having captured strongman Moamer Kadhafi.

In dezelfde wijk in en rond een ziekenhuis. Vergeet de AK47-romantiek van de oprukkende "rebellen" in onze kranten. Dit is de werkelijkheid van oorlog. En die ziet er nog steeds overal hetzelfde uit. Zelfs heb ik weer het omtrekken van standbeelden gezien, uitgebreid gefotografeerd. Oorlog is dood, totale chaos, plunderen, leed, uitengereten en verbrande lichamen, waar helemaal niets heroïsch aan is.

Channel4 News: The horror of Abu Salim

Ten feet away, outside the main door, a dead man’s corpse hummed with clouds of flies.
Piles of surgical dressings, bloody sheets and half-empty blood bags were all around us, oozing fluids onto the ground.
Another body, inflated with decomposition, lies 20 yards away in the sun. Male, fighting age, half the head missing.
Fifty yards further on a pile of human bodies, bloated in the hot sun. I count 22 here, including three women, and one child. Some of the male bodies are in military clothing but not all.
Inside, it is not a hospital but a mortuary – or something for which there is no word.
Stretchers and beds are stained with fluids and blood, some still dripping on the floor.
In one room a picture of Colonel Gaddafi smiles down on at least 23 more corpses shoved onto trolleys at all angles.
There is no language for the stench. You fear even to breathe in here.

Verslaggever Mahdi Nazemroaya 22 augustus:

"The media, how can they report about the violence outside, when they're in here with me?"

"There have been massive, atrocial, criminal bombings"

"There are going to be gangs, just like in Benghazi, and they are going to kill eachother. NATO wants them to kill eachother..."

Libya's imperial hijacking is a threat to the Arab revolution

They don't give up. For the third time in a decade, British and US forces have played the decisive role in the overthrow of an Arab or Muslim regime. As rebel forces pressed home their advantage across Libya under continuing Nato air support , politicians in London and Paris preened themselves on their role as the midwives of a "new Libya".

It's all supposed to be different this time, of course. The lessons of the west's blood-drenched occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan are said to have been learned: no boots on the ground, UN backing, proper planning and Libyans in the lead. But the echoes of Baghdad and, even more, Kabul have been eerie – and not only in the made-for-TV images of the sacking of compounds and smashing of statues, or the street banners hailing Nato leaders. (lees verder in The Guardian)

Cutting through the government propaganda and media lies
The Truth About the Situation in Libya (ANSWER Coalition)

Libya: secret role played by Britain creating path to the fall of Tripoli

For weeks, military and intelligence officers have been helping the rebels plan their co-ordinated attack on the capital, and Whitehall sources have disclosed that the RAF stepped up raids on Tripoli on Saturday morning in a pre-arranged plan to pave the way for the rebel advance.
MI6 officers based in the rebel stronghold of Benghazi had honed battle plans drawn up by Libya’s Transitional National Council (TNC) which were agreed 10 weeks ago.

The constantly-updated tactical advice provided by British experts to the rebel leaders centred on the need to spark a fresh uprising within Tripoli that could be used as the cue for fighters to advance on the city.
But when it finally came, the speed with which it achieved its goal took everyone, including the rebels, by surprise. (lees verder in de Telegraph)

NATO nations set to reap spoils of Libya war (Al Jazeera)
As rebels take Tripoli, foreign powers are eyeing the prize of Libya's high quality crude oil.

US Outsourced Regime Change
NATO, Sleeper Cells Drove Rebels’ Tripoli Push (Ass. Press)

US Outsourcing Regime Change
NATO Partnership in Libya Serves as Model, Panetta Says (American Forces Press Service)

Disaster Capitalism Swoops Over Libya (Asia Times)

More than 200 African intellectuals say Nato’s bombing of Libya is part of a re-colonisation of the continent (Business day)

Libya’s Post Gadhaffi Future - Who gets the Oil? (Oilprice.com)

In Rusland weten ze wel wat propaganda is
Libya: new outburst of information war

Neo-liberalism a greater threat to Libya than tribalism or extreme Islam (Real News, video)

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