Facing congressional pressure, will Obama reframe his '1967 borders' message ...
Ha'aretz (blog) - Natasha Mozgovaya - 12 minutes ago
Yet before Obama's departure on a trip to Europe, all eyes will be on the president's speech to the annual conference of the pro-Israeli lobby AIPAC in Washington on Sunday. US President Barack Obama delivering a speech about United States' policy on ...
Obama's no-win scenario after a speech that pleased no one
The National - James Zogby - 37 minutes ago
All eyes will now be on Mr Obama as he speaks before the pro-Israel lobby Aipac today to see whether he backs away from or fine tunes the position he outlined in his State Department address. While Aipac's leaders have cautioned their members not to ...
Pro-Israeli lobby urged 'not to boo Barack Obama after Middle East peace address
Telegraph.co.uk - Richard Spencer
The two men will both address the leading pro-Israel lobbying group, the American-Israel Political Affairs Committee (AIPAC), two days after Mr Netanyahu publicly rebuked Mr Obama's ...
Pro-Israel push for magic words from Obama
Politico (blog) - Ben Smith
Josh Block, the former AIPAC spokesman and a pro-Israel stalwart now at the Progressive Policy Institute, this morning emailed over quotes from several pro-Israel Democratic legislators unhappy with the White House move to formally embrace the 1967 ...
Obama's Middle East Speech and Nakba Day 2011
Voltaire Network - Franklin P. Lamb
No sooner had President Obama turned from his teleprompter at the State Department on 5/19/11 than the AIPAC founded Washington Institute for Near East Policy's Robert Satloff, fumed that the President's insistence that a solution ...
VIVA Creative Produces AIPAC Policy Conference 2011 in Washington, DC
PR-USA.net (press release)
VIVA Creative (vivacreative.com), a global experiential communications agency, is producing the AIPAC Policy Conference 2011. The conference is held May 22-24 in Washington, DC and is expected to draw more than 10000 delegates from all 50 states, ...
Israel Pushing Obama Toward War with Iran
Salem-News.Com - 15 hours ago
(TEHRAN / LOS ANGELES) - “Israel lobby AIPAC [American Israel Public Affairs Committee] is pushing for confrontation with Iran,” James Morris told Press TV in an interview on Thursday. Morris said it was worrying that Obama's National Security Advisor ...
The Fake Outrage of the Israel Firsters
MJ Rosenberg, Huffington Post
He delivered the speech in an effort to get the jump on Netanyahu who is in town to address Congress and AIPAC. Bibi's goal is to mobilize his followers against any US efforts to promote an Israeli-Palestinian agreement. Netanyahu, who grew up in the ...
Media Matters Honcho Attacks Israel, AIPAC: Calls Netanyahu ‘Terrorist’
ZOA to AIPAC: Withdraw Obama invite
Jewish Telegraphic Agency - Ron Kampeas
WASHINGTON (JTA) -- The Zionist Organization of America urged AIPAC to rescind its invitation to President Obama after he called for Israeli-Palestinian negotiations on the basis of 1967 lines, saying Obama is the most ...
EDITORIAL: Obama's faithless pledges to Israel
Washington Times
On June 4, 2008, then-candidate Barack Obama made an address to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) carefully calculated to appeal to Jewish voters concerned about his views towards Israel. “Let me be clear,” Mr. Obama said. ...
Jewish Donors Warn Obama on Israel
Wall Street Journal MAY 19, 2011
Jewish donors and fund-raisers are warning the Obama re-election campaign that the president is at risk of losing financial support because of concerns about his handling of Israel.
The complaints began early in President Barack Obama's term, centered on a perception that Mr. Obama has been too tough on Israel.
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