OCHA, de mensenrechtenafdeling van de VN geeft hogere cijfers: 56 in 2009, 113 in 2010.
De Israëlische NGO Binkom meldde dat 95% van de aanvragen van Palestijnen om in Area C (gebied onder volledige Israëlische militaire controle) een huis te bouwen worden afgewezen.
Last year's house demolitions left 472 people homeless, almost half of them children, the figures showed.
Demolitions more than doubled in the Tubas region, which straddles the northern sector of the Jordan Valley, rising to 51 from 24 in 2009 and leaving some 219 people homeless, 94 of them children, the group said.
They also rose sharply in the Nablus district, which also covers the central Jordan Valley, with 19 demolitions last year, compared with none the year before, the figures show. Some 134 people were made homeless, 51 of them children.
B'Tselem spokeswoman Sarit Michaeli said the group had noticed an increase in demolition activity in the Jordan Valley and in the south Hebron Hills area, which was aimed at razing Bedouin-owned structures built illegally.
"The trend now is toward demolishing temporary accommodation, usually put up by the Bedouin," she said, describing them as non-permanent structures largely in encampments, but stressed they served as homes.
"The net result is the same -- people are displaced," she told AFP, saying it was not clear why the authorities were focusing their attention on these two particular areas. (AFP, lees hele bericht)
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