(9/13/1993) Jerusalem as final status issue under Oslo: Declaration of Principles, ARTICLE V - TRANSITIONAL PERIOD AND PERMANENT STATUS NEGOTIATIONS - "It is understood that these negotiations shall cover remaining issues, including: Jerusalem, refugees, settlements, security arrangements, borders, relations and cooperation with other neighbors, and other issues of common interest."
(2000) Camp David: "It should be noted that in 2000 at Camp David, Ehud
Barak offered dramatic concessions of Jerusalem and the West Bank to the Palestinians, including allowing Arab neighborhoods of East Jerusalem to become the capital of a future Palestinian state."
(2000) Camp David: "Barak also made previously unthinkable concessions on Jerusalem, agreeing that Arab neighborhoods of East Jerusalem would become the capital of the new state.
(7/2000) Camp David: "According to the accompanying article by
reporter Ben Caspit, Israeli negotiators under Prime Minister Ehud Barak for the first time proposed to divide Jerusalem into two cities: a Jewish city to be known as Jerusalem which would serve as Israel's capital, as it does now; and an Arab city to be known as Al-Quds, the
Arabic name for Jerusalem, which would serve as the capital of a new Palestinian Arab state."
(1/7/2001) Clinton Parameters: "First, Jerusalem should be an open and undivided city, with assured freedom of access and worship for all. It should encompass the internationally recognized capitals of two states, Israel and Palestine. Second, what is Arab should be Palestinian, for why would Israel want to govern in perpetuity the lives of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians?"
(1/2001) Taba (EU notes): "2.3 Capital for two states: The Israeli side accepted that the City of Jerusalem would be the capital of two states: Jerusalem, capital of Israel, and Al-Quds, capital of the State of Palestine. The Palestinian side expressed its only concern, namely that East Jerusalem is the capital of the State of Palestine. "
(3/27/2002) Arab Peace Initiative: "Further calls upon Israel to
affirm...The acceptance of the establishment of a Sovereign Independent Palestinian State on the Palestinian territories occupied since the 4th of June 1967 in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, with East Jerusalem as its capital."
(2002) Analysis of API on Jerusalem: "The Arab demand that Israel accept the establishment of a Palestinian State in the West Bank and aza with East Jerusalem as its capital has been part of the negotiations since Oslo. Israel's leaders, including Sharon, have accepted the idea of creating a Palestinian state in part of those territories. In fact, Prime Minister Ehud Barak offered to return more than 90% of the territories and give the Palestinians control over much of East Jerusalem at the Camp David negotiations in 2000, but these concessions were rejected out of hand by the Palestinians who offered no counterproposal."
(7/27/2002) Ayalon-Nusseibeh Plan: "Jerusalem will be an open city, the capital of two states. Freedom of religion and full access to holy sites will be guaranteed to all. Arab neighborhoods in Jerusalem will come under Palestinian sovereignty, Jewish neighborhoods under Israeli sovereignty..."
(4/30/2003) Stage I Roadmap requirement: GOI reopens Palestinian Chamber of Commerce and other closed Palestinian institutions in East Jerusalem based on a commitment that these institutions operate strictly in accordance with prior agreements between the parties.
(4/30/2003) Stage III Roadmap requirement: "a negotiated resolution on the status of Jerusalem that takes into account the political and religious concerns of both sides, and protects the religious interests of Jews, Christians, and Muslims worldwide, and fulfills the vision of two states, Israel and sovereign, independent, democratic and viable Palestine, living side-by-side in peace and security."
(12/1/2003) The Geneva Initiative: "The Parties shall have their mutually recognized capitals in the areas of Jerusalem under their respective sovereignty."
(2005) Review of Dershowitz Book (The Case for Peace): "...Dershowitz gives his own version of the Bush Administration's roadmap plan, which he says should be 'obvious to all reasonable people.' The solution will look something like this: ...3. Jerusalem must be divided, with the Arab part becoming the capital of Palestine, and the Jewish part recognized as Israel's capital."
(5/4/2006) Otniel Schneller (Kadima): "The plan currently would give most of Jerusalem's Arab neighborhoods, including a-Ram, Anata, Abu Dis, Tsur Baher and Jabel Mukaber, to the Palestinians, while keeping the predominantly Jewish areas for Israel. 'Those same neighborhoods will, in my assessment, be central to the makeup of the Palestinian capital ... al-Quds,' Schneller said, calling Jerusalem by its name in Arabic. 'We will not divide Jerusalem, we will share it.'"
(5/4/2006) Washington Post - Israel Offers Outline to Divide Jerusalem: "Israel's new government is drawing up a blueprint for dividing the holy city of Jerusalem -- a once inconceivable notion -- giving the Palestinians nearly all the Arab neighborhoods while holding onto Jewish areas and disputed holy shrines. Otniel Schneller, an architect of the plan, described it in interviews this week with The Associated Press, giving the clearest picture yet of how Israel plans to separate from the Palestinians, abandoning most of the West Bank. 'We will not divide Jerusalem, we will share it,' he said. Most of Jerusalem's Arab neighborhoods would go to the Palestinians, he said. 'Those same neighborhoods will, in my assessment, be central to the makeup of the Palestinian capital ... al-Quds,' Schneller said, calling Jerusalem by its Arabic name.
(9/21/2007) Kadima members disagree over how J'lem should be divided: "...Vice Premier Haim Ramon is promoting a plan to Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayad in which almost all Palestinian neighborhoods of East Jerusalem would be subtracted from the Israeli city and become part of a Palestinian capital in East Jerusalem...counter-coalition inside Kadima has sprung up, headed by MK Otniel Schneller. Schneller is unwilling to give up Israeli sovereignty over the Old City and the Temple Mount, but will accept religious management of the holy sites. He is also willing to give up neighborhoods on the outskirts of the city - mostly to the north, such as Al-Ram, Qalandiyah and Kafr Akeb (most of which are already outside the separation fence) - as well as parts of a few other neighborhoods...."
(6/23/2008) Sarkozy Urges Israel to Share Sovereignty Over Jerusalem:
The French president, Nicolas Sarkozy told Israel today to share sovereignty over Jerusalem with the Palestinians and to stop building settlements in the occupied territories. In an address to the Israeli parliament, or Knesset, Sarkozy also promised France's support in helping to halt Iran's nuclear program and he praised Israel's democracy, comments for which he won applause. However, he also spoke strongly about what he expected of Israel as part of the peace process with the Palestinians. "There cannot be peace without an immediate and complete halt to settlement," he said. "There cannot be peace without recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of two states and the guarantee of free access to the holy places for all religions."
(9/3/2008) Barak on al Jazeera: "'We can find a formula under which certain neighborhoods, heavily-populated Arab neighborhoods, could become, in a peace agreement, part of the Palestinian capital that, of course, will include also the neighboring villages around Jerusalem,' Barak said when asked whether he envisioned the future division of Jerusalem."
(10/28/2009) UN: "Jerusalem must be the capital of two States - Israel and Palestine - living side-by-side in peace and security, with arrangements for the holy sites acceptable to all, if peace in the Middle East is to be achieved, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon warned today."
(9/25/2009) #73: No Peace Without Compromise: "Jerusalem - Israel maintains that Jerusalem is its eternal capital and has resisted Palestinian demands that the city be divided. Still, Barak offered to allow the Palestinians to establish their capital in Eastern Jerusalem and offered a compromise over control of the Temple Mount. Olmert also offered to compromise on Jerusalem.
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