Bewijsmateriaal door martelen kan gebruikt worden
Agence France Presse
US military officers, breaking with domestic and international legal precedent, said that "war on terror" military tribunals at the Guantanamo naval base could allow evidence obtained through torture.
Agence France Presse
US military officers, breaking with domestic and international legal precedent, said that "war on terror" military tribunals at the Guantanamo naval base could allow evidence obtained through torture.
Rumsfeld: rapporten over marteling Guantanamo is Al-Qaida truuk
The Telegraph
Donald Rumsfeld, the US defence secretary, has dismissed claims of torture by Guantanamo Bay terrorist suspects, describing them as a calculated attempt to manipulate the western media.
The Telegraph
Donald Rumsfeld, the US defence secretary, has dismissed claims of torture by Guantanamo Bay terrorist suspects, describing them as a calculated attempt to manipulate the western media.
Guantanamo gevangene vertelt over "martelingen"
BBC News
A Kuwaiti man being held at Guantanamo Bay 4 years has told the BBC in a rare interview that the force-feeding of hunger strikers amounts to torture. Audio and transcript.
BBC News
A Kuwaiti man being held at Guantanamo Bay 4 years has told the BBC in a rare interview that the force-feeding of hunger strikers amounts to torture. Audio and transcript.
Geheime dienst VS: Al-Qaida bereidt "Big Bang" voor
World Now
U.S. officials tell CBS News that intelligence has picked up reports that al Qaeda in Iraq is planning what one source calls the "Big Bang," a spectacular terrorist attack in Iraq against either a single high-profile target or multiple targets simultaneously.
World Now
U.S. officials tell CBS News that intelligence has picked up reports that al Qaeda in Iraq is planning what one source calls the "Big Bang," a spectacular terrorist attack in Iraq against either a single high-profile target or multiple targets simultaneously.
Doodgeslagen in Basra
Information Clearing House
"When they took the cover off his body I could see his nose was badly broken," said Daoud Moussa, a senior Iraqi police officer. "The skin of his wrists had been torn off. The skin on his forehead was torn away. On the left side of his chest there were clear blue bruises. On his legs I saw bruising from kicking."
Information Clearing House
"When they took the cover off his body I could see his nose was badly broken," said Daoud Moussa, a senior Iraqi police officer. "The skin of his wrists had been torn off. The skin on his forehead was torn away. On the left side of his chest there were clear blue bruises. On his legs I saw bruising from kicking."
Voormalig VN directeur: Iraakse mensenrechtenschendingen nemen toe
Associated Press
Human rights abuses in Iraq are as bad now as they were under Saddam Hussein, as lawlessness and sectarian violence sweep the country, the former U.N. human rights chief in Iraq said Thursday.
Associated Press
Human rights abuses in Iraq are as bad now as they were under Saddam Hussein, as lawlessness and sectarian violence sweep the country, the former U.N. human rights chief in Iraq said Thursday.
Toename terroristen te sterk voor VS
The Washington Times
Thirty new terrorist organizations have emerged since the September 11, 2001, attacks, outpacing U.S. efforts to crush the threat, said Brig. Gen. Robert L. Caslen, the Pentagon's deputy director for the war on terrorism.
The Washington Times
Thirty new terrorist organizations have emerged since the September 11, 2001, attacks, outpacing U.S. efforts to crush the threat, said Brig. Gen. Robert L. Caslen, the Pentagon's deputy director for the war on terrorism.
Directeur mortuarium Bagdad die executies onthulde gevlucht
The Guardian
Faik Bakir, the director of the Baghdad morgue, has fled Iraq in fear of his life after reporting that more than 7,000 people have been killed by death squads in recent months, the outgoing head of the UN human rights office in Iraq has disclosed.
The Guardian
Faik Bakir, the director of the Baghdad morgue, has fled Iraq in fear of his life after reporting that more than 7,000 people have been killed by death squads in recent months, the outgoing head of the UN human rights office in Iraq has disclosed.

Sjiiten in Basra dreigen met olie- en voedselboycot
Deutsche Presse-Agentur
The influential Shiite-Islamic Fadhila Party in the southern Iraqi port city of Basra on Friday threatened to halt the traffic of oil and other goods from southern Iraq into the centre of the country.
Deutsche Presse-Agentur
The influential Shiite-Islamic Fadhila Party in the southern Iraqi port city of Basra on Friday threatened to halt the traffic of oil and other goods from southern Iraq into the centre of the country.
VS/Irak leger werkt samen met Sjiitische militia
Kuwait News Agency
General Casey admitted that there were a few Iraqi forces that allowed militias to attack mosques, but said that overall the Iraqi security teams performed "generally well," although "not uniformly well."
Lees ook: War of the Mosques (Newsweek)
Kuwait News Agency
General Casey admitted that there were a few Iraqi forces that allowed militias to attack mosques, but said that overall the Iraqi security teams performed "generally well," although "not uniformly well."
Lees ook: War of the Mosques (Newsweek)
Enquete: 2 op 3 Amerikanen willen VS uit Irak
Editor & Publisher
While newspaper editorials remain virtually silent on the subject, the American public seems to have made up its mind. A new Gallup/CNN/USA Today poll out tonight shows that 2 out of 3 adult Americans now want U.S. troops to start to come home from Iraq. And 55% call the decision to attack Iraq in 2003 a "mistake."
Editor & Publisher
While newspaper editorials remain virtually silent on the subject, the American public seems to have made up its mind. A new Gallup/CNN/USA Today poll out tonight shows that 2 out of 3 adult Americans now want U.S. troops to start to come home from Iraq. And 55% call the decision to attack Iraq in 2003 a "mistake."
Premier Australië ontkent kennis van $220 miljoen smeergeld aan Saddam
Australian Prime Minister John Howard has distanced himself from the scandal surrounding huge bribes paid to Saddam Hussein's regime by denying he had ever seen a diplomatic cable which warned of the payments.
Australian Prime Minister John Howard has distanced himself from the scandal surrounding huge bribes paid to Saddam Hussein's regime by denying he had ever seen a diplomatic cable which warned of the payments.
Realiteit en Revisionisme in Iran
Empire Burlesque
Khatami's remarks, reported widely elsewhere in the world, were not allowed to disturb the lie-drugged slumber of the American consciousness.
Empire Burlesque
Khatami's remarks, reported widely elsewhere in the world, were not allowed to disturb the lie-drugged slumber of the American consciousness.
55% Amerikanen: gebruik diplomatie Iran
Angus Reid Global Scan
55 per cent of respondents believe Iran is a threat that can be contained with diplomacy.
Angus Reid Global Scan
55 per cent of respondents believe Iran is a threat that can be contained with diplomacy.
Rusland: Hamas bereid tot verlenging wapenstilstand
"The ball is now in Israel's court," Hamas leader told Reuters. Israel says it takes military action to prevent attacks by Palestinian militants.
"The ball is now in Israel's court," Hamas leader told Reuters. Israel says it takes military action to prevent attacks by Palestinian militants.
Tjetjeense rebellen veroordelen Hamas
Chechnya's rebels slammed Hamas on Friday, saying leaders of the Palestinian group had given their blessing to the "murder of the Chechen people" by meeting top Russian officials.
Chechnya's rebels slammed Hamas on Friday, saying leaders of the Palestinian group had given their blessing to the "murder of the Chechen people" by meeting top Russian officials.
Israël moet kiezen: twee staten of een
The new Palestinian leadership should make clear that, after 39 years of foreign military occupation, the Palestinian people can no longer tolerate the cynical series of never-ending "peace plans"
The new Palestinian leadership should make clear that, after 39 years of foreign military occupation, the Palestinian people can no longer tolerate the cynical series of never-ending "peace plans"
Israëlische miltaire export naar China hervat
"We renewed the issues of permits to Israeli companies wishing to do business in China," Toren said. "The companies come to us and we use our judgment, with or without consulting with the United States," he continued.
"We renewed the issues of permits to Israeli companies wishing to do business in China," Toren said. "The companies come to us and we use our judgment, with or without consulting with the United States," he continued.

Doodt Iraanse atoombom uitsluitend joden?
The Jewish Journal (Los Angeles)
A nuclear fireball detonated over Jerusalem would kill a substantial fraction of the city’s half-million Jews — and the city’s quarter-million Palestinians. But not only lives would be destroyed.
The Jewish Journal (Los Angeles)
A nuclear fireball detonated over Jerusalem would kill a substantial fraction of the city’s half-million Jews — and the city’s quarter-million Palestinians. But not only lives would be destroyed.
India: Bush's doodssteek aan Non-Proliferatie Verdrag
Der Spiegel
The nuclear deal inked by the United States and India on Thursday was a doozy. In one stroke, Washington ended India's pariah status and drove a stake through the heart of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. But it still may have been the right thing to do.
Der Spiegel
The nuclear deal inked by the United States and India on Thursday was a doozy. In one stroke, Washington ended India's pariah status and drove a stake through the heart of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. But it still may have been the right thing to do.
Valkuil voor India
The Guardian
Underneath fuzzy talk of shared values, President Bush's real concern is to hobble a potential rival.
The Guardian
Underneath fuzzy talk of shared values, President Bush's real concern is to hobble a potential rival.
Broodschrijvers en Geheim Agenten - Close Encounters Of A Strange Kind
In 1975, following Senate hearings on the CIA, the reports of the Senate's Church Committee and the House of Representatives' Pike Committee highlighted the extent of agency recruitment of both British and US journalists.
In 1975, following Senate hearings on the CIA, the reports of the Senate's Church Committee and the House of Representatives' Pike Committee highlighted the extent of agency recruitment of both British and US journalists.
Rumsfeld: VS loopt achter in propaganda-oorlog
The Pentagon chief said today's weapons of war included e-mail, Blackberries, instant messaging, digital cameras and Web logs, or blogs.
The Pentagon chief said today's weapons of war included e-mail, Blackberries, instant messaging, digital cameras and Web logs, or blogs.
CENTCOM huurt bloggers in
US Dept. of Defense
Blogs sometimes include information -- accurate and otherwise -- about the U.S. military's global war on terror. U.S. Central Command officials here took notice and created a team to engage these writers and their electronic information forums.
"Now (online readers) have the opportunity to read positive stories. At least the public can go there and see the whole story. The public wants to hear these good stories," he said, adding that the news stories the military generates are "very factual."
US Dept. of Defense
Blogs sometimes include information -- accurate and otherwise -- about the U.S. military's global war on terror. U.S. Central Command officials here took notice and created a team to engage these writers and their electronic information forums.
"Now (online readers) have the opportunity to read positive stories. At least the public can go there and see the whole story. The public wants to hear these good stories," he said, adding that the news stories the military generates are "very factual."
VS generaal gaat door met omkopen Iraakse kranten en journalisten
The Lincoln Group, a Washington-based contractor, paid Iraqi newspapers to run hundreds of stories without disclosing that they were prepared by military "information operations" troops.
The army also was reported to have paid Iraqi journalists through a Baghdad press group for positive stories about the US military.
The Lincoln Group, a Washington-based contractor, paid Iraqi newspapers to run hundreds of stories without disclosing that they were prepared by military "information operations" troops.
The army also was reported to have paid Iraqi journalists through a Baghdad press group for positive stories about the US military.
Republikeinen winnen vanaf nu elke verkiezing
The Moscow Times
Two weeks ago, an obscure, unelected, Republican-appointed official in California decided the future of the world. That future -- at least for the next several years -- will be an accelerating nightmare of war, corruption, repression, atrocity and terror. That's because the loyal apparatchik has, with the stroke of a pen, guaranteed the perpetuation of the Bush faction in power in 2008 and beyond.
The Moscow Times
Two weeks ago, an obscure, unelected, Republican-appointed official in California decided the future of the world. That future -- at least for the next several years -- will be an accelerating nightmare of war, corruption, repression, atrocity and terror. That's because the loyal apparatchik has, with the stroke of a pen, guaranteed the perpetuation of the Bush faction in power in 2008 and beyond.
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